Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality downloads of Hymn [vinyl], Miyabi, Remembrance, Moonlit Flowers, Across the Flow, Gems, Music for Urban Promenades II, Music for Urban Promenades, and 10 more. , and , . Purchasable with gift card Buy Digital Discography $98.40 USD or more (40% OFF) Send as Gift Glass mastered (factory pressed) CD Compact Disc (CD) + Digital Album Comes in a standard jewel case with transparent tray, which contains a 4-panel front insert and is factory sealed.Please make sure to read "Shipping and returns" policies, before you place an order for a CD. Includes unlimited streaming of Transcendence via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. $(".buyItem .bd").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get("buyItem"), "more", "less"); Sold Out Share / Embed 1. Higurashi 16:29 buy track 2. Nirvana Électronique 16:29 buy track 3. Maitrī 16:07 buy track 4. Transcendence 17:03 buy track about "Beautiful and exotic ambient music that's made with synthesizers and ethnic instruments"The 10th album of Juta Takahash consists of four long-form ambient tracks. For more information, please visit $(".tralbum-about").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get("tralbum_about"), "more", "less"); credits released September 21, 2013 Composed, arranged, produced and performed by Juta TakahashiRecorded and mastered at Lunisolar Studio, Sendai, JapanThe audio resolution: 16bit/44.1kHz $(".tralbum-credits").last().bcTruncate(TruncateProfile.get("tralbum_long"), "more", "less"); license all rights reserved tags Tags ambient drone electronic Sendai Shopping cart total USD Check out about Juta Takahashi Sendai, Japan
Psychologist Scott Barry Kauffman explores theories of transcendence in his book Transcend, The New Science of Self-Actualization. In it, he lays out an updated system of needs focused on finding fulfillment through purpose. His system has the following layers, starting from the bottom: safety, connection, self-esteem, exploration, love and purpose. Once one reaches the level of purpose, which connects them to others and the world around them, they have found transcendence.
Consumers are won or lost based on this shared purpose, so marketers need to understand how to position products and services to help our consumers meet the need for transcendence. Just how do we do this?
Due to the shift to an older population worldwide and an increased need for 24-h care, finding new and alternative approaches to increase wellbeing among nursing home (NH) residents is highly warranted. To guide clinical practice in boosting wellbeing among NH residents, knowledge about nurse-patient interaction (NPI), inter- (ST1) and intra-personal (ST2) self-transcendence and meaning-in-life (PIL) seems vital. This study tests six hypotheses of the relationships between NPI, ST1, ST2 and PIL among cognitively intact NH residents.
The experience of connectedness for older people in long-term care settings is linked with quality-of-life (QoL) and successful aging [47]. Research has shown that self-awareness, meaningful relationships with family and friends, involvement in meaningful activities and connections with wider society are fundamental prerequisites of connectedness for older people [47]. However, barriers to these prerequisites are evident for many residents in long-term care settings [47]. Largely, the nurse-patient relationship represents the main resource for connectedness while staying in an NH. Therefore, the nurse-patient interaction might be crucial for wellbeing in NHs. Self-transcendence and meaning-in-life have demonstrated significant relations with both physical, emotional, social, functional [29, 48] and spiritual [49] wellbeing among cognitively intact NH residents, indicating that enhancing self-transcendence and meaning-in-life positively influences on all aspects of wellbeing.
To summarise, the literature suggests that nurse-patient interaction, self-transcendence, and meaning-in-life are vital to wellbeing among older adults in NHs. Thus, we expected meaning-in-life and self-transcendence to be correlated, and that nurse-patient interaction would influence on both constructs. To get further insights into how self-transcendence and meaning-in-life relate with each other, as well as with nurse-patient interaction, this study investigates the associations between nurse-patient interaction, self-transcendence and perceived meaning-in-life. Such knowledge can guide clinical practice in how to best and efficiently boost wellbeing among older adults in NHs.
The present study was therefore designed to investigate the relationships between nurse-patient-interaction, self-transcendence and meaning-in-life among cognitively intact NH residents utilizing structural equation modeling (SEM). The research questions were: (1) Does the nurse-patient interaction affect interpersonal self-transcendence (ST1), intrapersonal self-transcendence (ST2) and meaning-in-life in cognitively intact NH residents? and (2) How do the constructs of ST1, ST2 and meaning interrelate?
Psychometric studies have revealed a two-factor construct (ST1, ST2) showing the best fit for self-transcendence [50], whereas nurse-patient interaction [51] is found to be a one-dimensional construct. Thus, the two-factor construct of self-transcendence (where ST1 embraces interpersonal aspects whereas ST2 covers intrapersonal aspects) along with the one-factor models of nurse-patient interaction [51] and meaning-in-life (PIL) [52] were applied in the present study. Based on the theoretical and empirical knowledge of nurse-patient interaction, self-transcendence (ST) and meaning-in-life, the following hypotheses were formulated:
A hypothesized structural equation model (SEM) with bases in existing theory [39, 40, 53, 54] and previous empirical research [29, 31, 48, 55] was tested. Figure 1 shows the hypotheses representing the relationships implying the influences between the latent constructs in the model. Significant associations have been demonstrated between nurse-patient-interaction and self-transcendence [51] and meaning [36]. H1-H4 in Fig. 1 reflects the hypothesized associations between nurse-patient interaction, self-transcendence and meaning. ST1 and ST2 involve aspects such as having interests and hobbies, involving and caring for others (ST1), adapting well and self-acceptance (ST2); hence, these dimensions were hypothesized to associate with meaning-in-life (PIL), shown as hypotheses H5 and H6 in Fig. 1.
Cross-sectional data were collected during 2017 and 2018. The Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Norway ( 2014/2000/REK Central) as well as the Management Units at the 27 NHs approved the study. The participants provided voluntarily written informed consent. A nurse who the NH residents knew well presented them with oral and written information about their rights as participants and their rights to withdraw at any time. Each participant provided informed consent. This population may have difficulties completing a questionnaire on their own. Therefore, six trained researchers (three in each part of Norway) conducted one-on-one interviews in private. Researchers with an identical professional background (RN, MSc, trained and experienced in communication with the elderly, as well as teaching gerontology at an advanced level) were trained to conduct the interviews in the same manner. To avoid misunderstandings, interviewers read each question loudly, and held a large-print copy of questions and possible responses in front of the participants. This study is part of the project Health promotion factors in Joy-of-Life Nursing Homes funded by the Norwegian Research Council. This project aimed to explore health promotion factors in Norwegian NHs, including certified JoLNHs and ordinary NHs. Accordingly, the three scales used in this study were part of the larger questionnaire comprising 9 scales representing 120 items as well as sociodemographic data (age, gender, marital status, residential time in the NH); thus, small breaks at specific points during the interview process were adopted to avoid tiring the participants. The nine scales were assessed in the following order; 1. Health-related QoL assessing symptom burden, 2. Joy-of-life, 3. a single item assessing loneliness, 4. Sense of coherence, 5. Self-transcendence, 6. Meaning-in-life, 7. Nurse-patient interaction, 8. Depression and anxiety, and 9. OPQOL-brief quality-of-life questionnaire. The OPQOL-brief data were recently published in a study testing the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of OPQOL-brief [73]. Similarly, the Joy-of-Life scale was psychometrically tested, and used in a study assessing the associations between Nurse-Patient Interaction and joy-of-life [74] in the sample which is used for the present study.
More specifically, a significant impact of nurse-patient-interaction on interpersonal (ST1), intrapersonal self-transcendence (ST2) and meaning-in-life was found, as well as a significant indirect relation to meaning-in-life, mediated by self-transcendence (ST1, ST2).
A notable strength of this research is the empirical examination of associations of various constructs that are scarcely elucidated. This study expands previous research by testing the associations between nurse-patient interaction, self-transcendence and meaning-in-life in an NH population utilizing structural equation modeling. The SEM measurement technique includes estimates for random measurement error, thus the involved measurement models (here models for NPI, ST1, ST2 and PIL) are more precisely derived. The study builds on a strong theoretical foundation with the use of scales demonstrating good psychometrical properties. Nevertheless, the present findings must be discussed with some limitations in mind. 2ff7e9595c